Sometimes you don't have a calculator with you and want to use one to do calculation. Here, you can use Google calculator on Google search when you are online. This calculator can be used for any math problem you want to solve, like multiplying, dividing, subtracting, calculating the tip at a restaurant, making graphs, or solving geometry problems. This is a helpful feature in Google, which you can use when you want for solving mathematical problems.
Calculator on Google search-
➤ Go to the Google Search page
➤ Type or paste one of the word, given below into the google search box-
➛ calculator
➛ google calculator
➛ calculator scientific
➤ Click on the Search button or press Enter and there will be a calculator in the search results page.
➤ The calculations you can do with this calculator are-
• Arithmetic
• Value of physical constants
• Functions
• Base and representative conversion
➤ Type the equation you want to solve, into the box and press the equals
button to get the result.
➤ Click Here use the calculator on Google search page.
➦ There are some Easter eggs added by Google in this Google Calculator-
➤ Go to the Google Search
➤ Below are words or sentence which when you type in the search box and press enter you will get a result as number or calculation-
➛ once in a blue moon
(result will be once in a blue moon =
1.16699016 × 10-8 hertz)
➛ the answer to life the universe and everything
➛ answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything
(result will be shown as number "42" on the calculator)
➛ the number of horns on a unicorn
(result will be show as number "1" on the calculator)
➛ what is the loneliest number
(result will be show as number "1" on the calculator)
➤ You can also add these sentences by adding "plus" between them to get a result, like an example given below-
➛ what is the loneliest number plus the number of horns on a unicorn
(result will be show as number "2" on the calculator)
➤ So, use the Google calculator when want and show the Easter eggs added with it to others.