Easter Egg - Levitate Youtube results as if by the force mentioned in Star Wars

This trick is an Easter Egg added by Google in it's product YouTube. With this trick you can make YouTube results to levitate i.e rise and hover in the air. As we have seen the Force in Star Wars, this Youtube trick also uses the word Force Luke, That's why you can relate it with Star Wars movie. Luke Skywalker is a fictional character in Star Wars film. Luke is a Force-sensitive human male Jedi Master. So, using this Easter Egg will give you feel of Star Wars on YouTube results. It works only on Desktop i.e. desktop view.

Levitate YouTube Results page

➤ Go to YouTube.com

➤ Type or paste the word given below into the Youtube search box-

➛  use the force luke

➤ Click on Search button or press Enter and the results page will start to Levitate.

➤ When you move cursor on the YouTube results, it will also move in that direction.

➤ This is a Fun feature in Youtube, by which you can Aloft the youtube results and 'May the Force be with you' ☺☺☺.

 Click Here  to see the levitate on Youtube results.

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