Sega's Sonic the hedgehog in Google search - Easter Egg

Sonic the Hedgehog is a video game, comics and animation show, character released by Sega. The video games and shows of Sonic the hedgehog are popular among people. And this character is added by Google in it's product Google Search as Easter Egg. This is a Fun feature in Google, by which you can amaze others. In this feature the Sonic the hedgehog appears in the the Google search page's Knowledge Graph, and when you click on it, it will jump.

Sonic Hedgehog easter egg

First go to the Google Search Page.

Type or paste the word given below into the google search box-

➛  Sonic the hedgehog

After typing the above Word, click on Search button or press Enter and in the result page's Knowledge graph there will be a Sonic the hedgehog character waiting, as shown below-

When you click on the Sonic, it will make him jump i.e the Sonic will jump like in the example shown below-

And if you clicked 25 times on the Sonic, then Sonic character will transform into a Super Sonic.

Use this fun Google trick and astonish others and have a feel of Sonic the Hedgehog series on Google search page.

   Click Here  to go to the Google search page having a Sonic waiting.

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