How to Make Your Computer Talk or Speak to you | Cool Windows Tricks

This is a very cool feature in Windows that makes your Computer to speak what you type. There are a few tools and simple scripts that we can write, to make any computer that is running Windows OS speak. This method takes advantage of a built-in API called SAPI (Speech Application Programming Interface). The Microsoft Speech API is used for the text-to-speech accessibility feature built into Windows. We have to use a VB script (Visual Basic Script) for this method.

Make your Computer Talk

To create a VBS script, follow the steps given below:-

➤ Go to 'Start' then search for "Notepad" and open it.

Copy and Paste one of the code given below into the Notepad.

Below are some VBS script or code that will make your Computer Talk.

1. Input text to speak message

copy & paste the below code

Dim Message, Speak
Message=InputBox("|Abe| Enter Text you want me to say","Speak")
Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
Speak.Speak Message

Now click on 'File Menu', then click on 'Save' (If it is already a saved file then click on 'Save As'), select 'All Types' in Save as Type option, and save the file as 'Speak.vbs' or any name you want with ".vbs" extension.

Double click on the saved VBS file, a window will open and you should see an input box where you can type text. Enter some text in enter text column and click OK.

When you click 'OK' , your Computer will Speak or Talk what you just typed in the box. You can have fun with this trick with your friends and impress them by making your PC/Laptop Speak.

If you want your computer to speak again and again (or loop) the text you typed then use the below code.

Dim Message, Speak
Message=InputBox("|Abe| Enter Text you want me to say","Speak")
Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
Speak.Speak Message

If you want your computer to speak on opening the .vbs file, means without entering the text in the Box, then use the below code in which you can put your text in the code which you want to hear.

dim speechobject
set speechobject=createobject("sapi.spvoice")
speechobject.speak "hello my friend welcome to abezworld"

Now replace texts denoted in red in the above code with whatever you want to hear.

If you want to loop the text you entered with the above then use the below code.

dim speechobject
set speechobject=createobject("sapi.spvoice")
speechobject.speak "hello my friend welcome to abezworld"

 Replace texts denoted in red in the above code with whatever you want to hear.

To Disable the .vbs Script, follow the below step

Open Task Manager in your computer (you can use shortcut "Ctrl + Shift + Esc" on your Keyboard to open Windows Task Manager). Now locate "wscript.exe" and select it, and click on "End Process".

 Now that you have learned, how to create and disable a '.vbs' file. Try out more script below with different features 

2. Greeting

By using Greeting VBScript Script your computer will greet you in a certain way based on the time on your computer. Copy paste the below code into notepad, and save it with .vbs extension. You can replace the texts denoted in red in the below code with the text you want to hear.

Set Sapi = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
dim str
if hour(time) < 12 then
Sapi.speak "
Good Morning my Friend"
if hour(time) < 16 then

Sapi.speak "Good afternoon my Friend"

if hour(time) > 16 then
Sapi.speak "
Good evening my Freind"
Sapi.speak "
Good afternoon my Friend"
end if
end if
end if

After creating the .vbs file double-click on it, now your computer will greet you, based on the time that your computer shows. Your computer will speak the text that you have provided, which are denoted in red in the above code.

3. Time of the Day

If you want your Computer to speak out the current time, then use the below code for that. Your computer will speak out the time that is set on your computer. Copy paste the below code into notepad, and save it with .vbs extension. You can replace the texts denoted in red in the below code with whatever you want to hear.

Set Sapi = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
Sapi.speak "
Hi current time is"
if hour(time) > 12 then
Sapi.speak hour(time)-12
if hour(time) = 0 then
Sapi.speak "12"
Sapi.speak hour(time)
end if
end if
if minute(time) < 10 then
Sapi.speak "o"
if minute(time) < 1 then
Sapi.speak "clock"
Sapi.speak minute(time)
end if
Sapi.speak minute(time)
end if
if hour(time) > 12 then
Sapi.speak "P.M."
if hour(time) = 0 then
if minute(time) = 0 then
Sapi.speak "Midnight"
Sapi.speak "A.M."
end if
if hour(time) = 12 then
if minute(time) = 0 then
Sapi.speak "Noon"
Sapi.speak "P.M."
end if
Sapi.speak "A.M."
end if
end if
end if

Double-click the file you created and your computer will say the current time of the day.

4. Greeting + Time of the day

If we combine the above two codes then your computer will greet you and will also tell you the current time. So, if you want your computer to greet you and also tell the current time, then, use the below code. Copy paste the code that is provided below into notepad, and save it with .vbs extension. You can replace the texts denoted in red in the below code with whatever you want.

Set Sapi = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
dim str
if hour(time) < 12 then
Sapi.speak "
Good Morning my Friend"
if hour(time) < 16 then

Sapi.speak "Good afternoon my Friend"

if hour(time) > 16 then
Sapi.speak "
Good evening my Freind"
Sapi.speak "
Good afternoon my Friend"
end if
end if
end if
Sapi.speak "
Current time is"
if hour(time) > 12 then
Sapi.speak hour(time)-12
if hour(time) = 0 then
Sapi.speak "12"
Sapi.speak hour(time)
end if
end if
if minute(time) < 10 then
Sapi.speak "o"
if minute(time) < 1 then
Sapi.speak "clock"
Sapi.speak minute(time)
end if
Sapi.speak minute(time)
end if
if hour(time) > 12 then
Sapi.speak "P.M."
if hour(time) = 0 then
if minute(time) = 0 then
Sapi.speak "Midnight"
Sapi.speak "A.M."
end if
if hour(time) = 12 then
if minute(time) = 0 then
Sapi.speak "Noon"
Sapi.speak "P.M."
end if
Sapi.speak "A.M."
end if
end if
end if

Double-click the file you have created by using the above code, and your computer will greet you and will tell you the current time.

If you want your computer to greet you every time you turn it ON then go to ➜ Make your Computer Welcome you with a voice message on startup 

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